Have your say, share your experience or topic of interest in the next Bingi Babbler - Submit Here
Co Chair: Kevin Heggen 5185 1322 [email protected]
Co Chair: John McClumpha 5185 1455 j[email protected]
Minutes : Vacant Is this your name?
Newsletter: Kaye Proudley 5185 1398 [email protected]
Social Secretary: Vacant Does your name fit here?
Co Chair: Kevin Heggen 5185 1322 [email protected]
Co Chair: John McClumpha 5185 1455 j[email protected]
Minutes : Vacant Is this your name?
Newsletter: Kaye Proudley 5185 1398 [email protected]
Social Secretary: Vacant Does your name fit here?
For interesting articles and plenty of photos, links to the YYLN or the JARR websites, or to read your newsletter online (don’t forget to let us know that you’re reading it online so we can save paper, trees & the ether from being polluted)
Bruce Atkin, Coastcare Co-ordinator sent this for those interested………
Communities in Control 2014: The Lucky Country Conference Reflecting on 50 years since Donald Horne's seminal book Moonee Valley Racing Club Moonee Ponds, MELBOURNE Monday & Tuesday, May 26 & 27, 2014 Pre-Conference Not-for-Profit Skills Day: Income generating strategies for enterprising not-for-profits Sunday 25 May 2014. Booking Options: Click here to > REGISTER ONLINE or Click to > DOWNLOAD THE FULL PROGRAM The Lucky Country In 1964, Donald Horne wrote "Australia is a lucky country, run by second-rate people who share its luck." It was a searing criticism that has now been adopted as a nationalistic boast. Luck: it’s a millstone round our neck. We take it for granted, and we don’t ask why. We don’t say we work harder than other countries, or that we’re stronger or smarter or more creative, or even that we’ve been blessed by destiny. We’re just luckier. And that leads nowhere. At the 2014 Communities in Control Conference (The Lucky Country Conference) - Melbourne, May 26 and 27 - we want to bring the spotlight back on what we’ve gained and lost as a society, and how we can organise ourselves to get from where we are to where we need to be. THE PROGRAM Musical performance: 'No More Whispering', title track of John Pilger's new film Utopia Glenn Skuthorpe Singer/songwriter Televised Welcome The Hon Tony Abbott MP Prime Minister of Australia Whose Lucky Country? The Indigenous land titling 'revolution' and community-based development Prof. Jon Altman Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, Aust. Nat. University The Great Debate: Bambi v Godzilla Should community groups, charities and local government authorities be small, nimble, and responsive, or big, cost-effective, and secure? Cr Stephen Mayne, City of Melbourne Councillor, Crikey founder, shareholder activist, transparency crusader; Rowena Doo, Executive Officer - Administration, Victorian AIDS Council; Maggie Maguire, Chief Executive, The Abbotsford Convent; Peter Kenyon, Social capitalist, community enthusiast, Founder and CEO, Bank of I.D.E.A.S.; Brett de Hoedt, Mayor, Hootville Communications Joan Kirner Social Justice Oration 2014 The Hon Julia Gillard Former Prime Minister of Australia; Chair, Global Partnership for Education Response and vote of thanks The Hon Joan Kirner AC Former Premier of Victoria, Our Community Ambassador The Luck of Fools Dr Simon Longstaff AO Ethicist, Philosopher, Executive Director, St James Ethics Centre Burger Off: We decide who comes into our community, and the circumstances in which they come Garry Muratore Spokesperson, NMITDR (No McDonald's in the Dandenong Ranges) What makes a life worth living? Hugh Mackay Psychologist, social researcher extraordinaire, multi-award winning author The Sweet Spot How Australia Made Its Own Luck - And Could Now Throw It All Away Peter Hartcher Award-winning journalist; political & international editor, The SMH. Light Bulb Moments: Getting young people involved in community Linh Do Co-Founder, OurSay.org; founder, Change a Million Light Bulbs From Bush Telegraph to Twitter: How communications changed Australia, and how communities can lead the next phase Jane Caro Author, lecturer, social commentator, columnist, broadcaster. Leaders Walking Eight Abreast: How to distribute leadership to the grass roots The Hon Michael Kirby AC, CMG Former High Court Justice; human rights activist; leader But wait, there's more! 2014 Not-for-profit Skills Day Show Me the Money: Income generating strategies for enterprising not-for-profits · Get in the Driver's Seat: Delivering sustainable social outcomes through social enterprise. The 'What' and 'Why' of social enterprise · Profit for Purpose: Social enterprise in profile · Generating ideas: For those looking for a social enterprise idea · Starting a social enterprise: For those with a social enterprise idea · Supporting social enterprise in your community: For local governments and philanthropic organisations · Financing and Legal Structure: What and when is appropriate · Anything is Pozible! Crowd-sourcing funds for your not-for-profit adventure. Presented by: Social Traders; Pozible Crowdfunding Creativity; Our Community Melbourne, Sunday, May 25, 2014 (held the day before the conference) $260 per person. Click on this link to > REGISTER NOW! These cows come complete with milk processing machines inside them poor dears. Part of a street parade in Bloemencorso, Holland – all made from Dahlia flowers!!
------------------------oO0Oo------------------------------- Here are some more Araprosdokians as promised in the last Babbler - 14. A clear conscience is the sign of a fuzzy memory. 15. You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive twice. 16. Money can't buy happiness, but it sure makes misery easier to live with. 17. There's a fine line between cuddling and holding someone down so they can't get away. 18. I used to be indecisive. Now I'm not so sure. 19. You're never too old to learn something stupid. 20. To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and then call whatever you hit, the target. So that’s it for another issue; I’ll catch up with you all in about 8 weeks. Kaye Proudley, Editor - The Bingi Babbler |