Where Creatures Have Been
This page is showing pictures of formations created by insects or small creatures. A brief description is added to explain the formation. Despite the page title many of these formations are still occupied by insects - they are just not apparent.
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Ant Hill

When ants built their underground tunnels to live in, the worker ants are responsible for removing all the soil, small pebbles, sticks and other debris from underground to the surface. Many ants deposit this adjacent to the hole to their nest, hence forming an Ant Hill.It is their mullock heap. Ants can lift up to 50 times their own body weight so don't be surprised at the size of some of the small stones found in an anthill.
Not all ants build ant hills, those that don't carry the spoil away from the colony opening.
Not all ants build ant hills, those that don't carry the spoil away from the colony opening.
Photographs Kaye Proudley and John McClumpha