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Co Chair: Kevin Heggen 5185 1322 [email protected]
Co Chair: John McClumpha 5185 1455 j[email protected]
Minutes : Vacant Is this your name?
Newsletter: Kaye Proudley 5185 1398 [email protected]
Social Secretary: Vacant Does your name fit here?
Co Chair: Kevin Heggen 5185 1322 [email protected]
Co Chair: John McClumpha 5185 1455 j[email protected]
Minutes : Vacant Is this your name?
Newsletter: Kaye Proudley 5185 1398 [email protected]
Social Secretary: Vacant Does your name fit here?
DONKEY - a ‘‘funny’’ for the kids amongst us!
What do you call a donkey with three legs? “A wonky donkey.” What then, do you call a donkey with three legs and one eye? “A winky, wonky donkey.” How about a donkey with three legs, one eye and breaks wind? “A stinky, winky, wonky donkey.” What do you call a donkey with three legs, one eye, is breaking wind and is wearing blue suede shoes? “A honky tonky, stinky, winky, wonky donkey.” How about a donkey with three legs, one eye, is breaking wind and is wearing blue suede shoes as well as playing the piano? “A plinky plonky, honky tonky, stinky, winky, wonky donkey.” And if a donkey had three legs, one eye, is breaking wind whilst wearing blue suede shoes, playing the piano and WAS ALSO DRIVING A TRUCK, then what would you call him “VERY TALENTED!!” There was a little more to this poem but it was edited for family viewing. COOK’S CORNER: Grandma Hodson`s Peppermint Toffee: from Margaret Ferguson You can pour this toffee into silicone muffin moulds or Grandma simply brushed melted butter generously into a slice tin, poured the toffee in and then shattered the toffee into shards when set. It has a nice coating of butter, and was made for us as children when we had colds and sore throats, as it was both soothing, and mildly antiseptic with the Peppermint. See ….. it’s really a "health food", not a sweet! 500 g white sugar 2 tablespoons cold water 2 tablespoons white vinegar 1 teaspoon butter 1 small teaspoon peppermint essence Combine all ingredients in a large saucepan. Bring to boil, stirring occasionally until sugar is dissolved, then don’t stir again. Cooking is complete when a small amount dipped out with a spoon, forms a hard ball in a glass of cold water, and it is a nice toffee colour. Stop heat immediately and then pour straight into moulds or slice tin. Let cool on bench a couple of hours, then flex tin to shatter toffee. Keeps for weeks (only if you’re strong-willed Marg!!Ed) in an airtight container in fridge. Chocolate Muffins: from Melissa Scott 1 cup Flour 120 ml Milk 2 tbspns Cocoa Powder 50g Butter – melted 2 tspns Baking Powder 1 tspn Vanilla Essence 100g Chocolate, melted – for topping 1 Egg 2 tbspns Castor Sugar Preheat oven to 200*C Line muffin pan with paper cups. Sift together flour, cocoa and baking powder in a medium bowl. In a separate bowl, beat together the egg, sugar, milk and vanilla then add melted butter. Stir in dry ingredients until just blended. Spoon into prepared muffin pans. Bake for 12 mins. or till a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Cool, then spread with melted chocolate. Decorate if desired. MAKES 12 Now - an apology to Melissa Scott. I forgot to acknowledge her as being the contributor of the Couscous with Chickpeas Recipe from Babbler No. 16 Brown Rice Salad: from Alison Kuiter 1 cup uncooked Brown Rice - Cook rice and allow to cool Small amount of diced Red Capsicum - for colour One diced Spanish (red) onion A few chopped Spring Onion tops or Chives 6 tablespoons chopped Parsley 1 & 1/2 cups Woolworth’s “Seeds, Dried Fruit & Nuts” mix Combine all ingredients with cooled rice and add dressing. Dressing – place in a jar and shake well to combine 1/4 cup Sunflower Oil 4 tablespoons Teriyaki marinade Best made a few hours (or a day) earlier to enable suffusion of flavours. Farmers and friends against fracking rally. If you are anywhere near Melbourne this Sunday August 18, I hope you will join the ‘farmers and friends against fracking rally.’ This will mark the beginning of a campaign, which is focused on making new coal and gas an issue that matters in Melbourne in the build up to the 2014 state election. We will be handing over our petition to MP Greg Barber, who will table it in parliament the following week. Please come along and show your support for farmers and communities who will be most affected by the expansion of coal, coal seam gas, tight gas and shale gas. The rally will be fun, fast and friendly. It will be meeting at City Square AT 1PM, before marching to the State Library, where farmers will speak out about why they believe community, farmland and water are worth more than coal and gas. MORE GARDENING TRUTH’S:
That’s a wrap for this edition of your Babbler. Do you have any photos or written contributions for the newsletter? Is there any subject matter you would like to see an article on? Please feel free to contribute to the group in any way you can, we would welcome the help or suggestions - or if you would just like to be taken off the mailing list, please contact me. Kaye Proudley, Editor. |